Brawl Stars: Explaining the Ranked Mode reputation system and what happens when a reputation is lost?

This page describes the Ranked Mode reputation system.

The new system was introduced with Brawl Talk on February 25, 2024.

Please see to the end.


What is Ranked Mode?

Please see the following article for more information about Ranked Mode.

【ブロスタ】ガチバトルの試合の流れ・ランク報酬・立ち回り方・最強戦術を解説 | ブロスタ攻略まとめ このページでは、ブロスタのモード「ガチバトル」の基本情報から試合の流れ・立ち回り・最強戦術・限定スキンなどを詳しく解説しています。 ぜひ最後までご覧ください。 ガ...

Also, see the following article for information on Brawl Talk when the Ranked Mode and reputation system were introduced.

【3月アプデ】新キャラ2体・ガチバトル・トロフィーエスケープ・新スタードロップ【ブロスタトークまとめ】... このページでは、2024年2月25日のアプデ情報をまとめています。 新キャラ「アンジェロ」「メロディー」・新ハイパーチャージ6つ・新モード2つ「ガチバトル」と「トロフィー...

What is reputation?

About Reputation Meter

If you leave in the middle of a Ranked Mode or are reported by other players as playing badly, your reputation meter will drop.

If your reputation drops to a certain level, you will receive a yellow card and a warning about it in your in-game mailbox.

If your reputation drops further, you will receive a red card and will not be able to play Ranked Mode for a certain period of time.

The length of time that play will be unavailable has not been officially announced.

In addition, reports are limited to 10 per day, so it is no longer possible to report many players at once.

How to Restore Reputation

After a series of matches in a Ranked Mode that are not reported by other players, the reputation meter will return and reputation will be restored.

Be sure to stand in a way that does not cause problems for the players on your side.

Aside: Whitelist

According to community manager Dani, they are also considering implementing a “whitelist” system to protect well-known players, such as creators and professionals.

How to report a player

Here is an explanation of how to report a player.

Press the “Report” button in the upper right corner.

Press the “Report” button in the upper right corner to display the above.

Choose from three options

There are three options: “baggage player,” “harassing behavior,” and “cheating.” Select the one that applies and tap “Report.”

The player’s report is now complete.

If you want to play with strong allies

When you play in the wild, there are inevitably some vicious players.

If this is the case, you can apply to be friends with strong players from the following friend recruiting board.

【ブロスタ】フレンド・チーム募集掲示板 | ブロスタ攻略まとめ ここでは、ブロスタのフレンドやチームを募集できます。 フレンド募集はもちろん、チームを組む時にもぜひご使用ください。 クラブメンバーの募集はこちらから。 フレンド...

Once you have them as friends, be sure to greet them and deepen your friendship with them.


On this page, we have described the reputation system of Ranked Mode.

Thank you for taking the time to read this to the end.




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